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Additive engineering to improve the efficiency and stability of inverted planar perovskite solar cells 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 30, 页码: 8234-8241
Authors:  Gao, Chenglin;  Dong, Hongzhou;  Bao, Xichang;  Zhang, Yongchao;  Saparbaev, Aziz;  Yu, Liyan;  Wen, Shuguang;  Yang, Renqiang;  Dong, Lifeng
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Efficient polymer solar cells based on poly(thieno[2,3-f]benzofuran-co-thienopyrroledione) with a high open circuit voltage exceeding 1 V 期刊论文
DYES AND PIGMENTS, 2017, 卷号: 146, 页码: 543-550
Authors:  Gao, Yueyue;  Saparbaev, Aziz;  Zhang, Yong;  Yang, Renqiang;  Guo, Fengyun;  Yang, Yulin;  Zhao, Liancheng
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Polymer Solar Cells  Open-circuit Voltage  Thieno[2  3-f]Benzofuran