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The diversity of carbon dioxide-concentrating mechanisms in marine diatoms as inferred from their genetic content 期刊论文
Journal of Experimental Botany, 4288, 卷号: 68, 期号: 14, 页码: 3937-3948
Authors:  Chen Shen;  Brian Hopkinson
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Carbon Dioxide  Carbonic Anhydrase  Diatom  Marine  Photosynthesis  Transporters.  
Endnote软件及其使用方法系列 演示报告
Authors:  图书馆 收集
Microsoft Powerpoint(5096Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:11750/5298  |  Submit date:2012/07/13
科研信息管理工具  Endnote  
“洁净能源领域”重要报告、论文等原文系列——更新到2022年8月 研究报告
Authors:  图书馆 收集
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《ESI中能源领域热点论文信息快报》2021年7月 研究报告
Authors:  中科院文献情报中心
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科学家偶需文献集锦 其他
Authors:  图书馆收集
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中国科学院院刊——专刊:科技创新助力构建国家能源新体系(全部全文值得精读) 期刊论文
中国科学院院刊, 2019, 期号: 4, 页码: 2025
Authors:  图书馆 收集
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科技部推荐:科学家发现内含子对酵母生长的调节机制=Excised linear introns regulate growth in yeast 期刊论文
NATURE, 2019, 期号: 7741, 页码: 1111
Authors:  作者:Morgan, JT (Morgan, Jeffrey T.)[ 1,2,3 ] ;   Fink, GR (Fink, Gerald R.)[ 2 ] ;   Bartel, DP (Bartel, David P.)[ 1,2,3 ]
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Modifying the morphology via employing rigid phenyl side chains achieves efficient nonfullerene polymer solar cells 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 2018, 卷号: 56, 期号: 24, 页码: 2762-2770
Authors:  Zhong, Yaqian;  Liu, Deyu;  Zhang, Kaili;  Li, Yonghai;  Sun, Mingliang;  Yu, Liangmin;  Li, Feng;  Liu, Huizhou;  Yang, Renqiang
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fluorinated benzotriazole  lever arms  nonfullerene acceptor  polymer solar cells  unsymmetrical benzodithiophene  
An effective strategy for controlling the morphology of high-performance non-fullerene polymer solar cells without post-treatment: employing bare rigid aryl rings as lever arms in new asymmetric benzodithiophene 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 37, 页码: 18125-18132
Authors:  Liu, Deyu;  Zhang, Kaili;  Zhong, Yaqian;  Gu, Chunyang;  Li, Yonghai;  Yang, Renqiang
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Tide-induced bedload transport pathways in a multiple-sand-ridge system offshore of Hainan Island in the Beibu Gulf, northwest South China Sea 期刊论文
EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 2018, 卷号: 43, 期号: 13, 页码: 2738-2753
Authors:  Ma, Xiaochuan;  Li, Jinyuan;  Yan, Jun
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bedload transport  sand ridge  dune  Delft 3D model  Beibu Gulf