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Cow-to-mouse fecal transplantations suggest intestinal microbiome as one cause of mastitis 期刊论文
MICROBIOME, 2018, 卷号: 6, 页码: 17
Authors:  Ma, Chen;  Sun, Zheng;  Zeng, Benhua;  Huang, Shi;  Zhao, Jie;  Zhang, Yong;  Su, Xiaoquan;  Xu, Jian;  Wei, Hong;  Zhang, Heping
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Mastitis  Intestinal microbiota  Fecal microbiota transplantation  Germ-free mice  Probiotics  
基于皮肤菌群诊断与评价皮肤健康的方法学研究 学位论文
, 北京: 中国科学院大学, 2018
Authors:  孙政
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Inducible cell lysis systems in microbial production of bio-based chemicals 期刊论文
APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2013, 卷号: 97, 期号: 16, 页码: 7121-7129
Authors:  Gao, Yongqiang;  Feng, Xinjun;  Xian, Mo;  Wang, Qi;  Zhao, Guang
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Cell Lysis Systems  Inducible Regulatory Apparatus  Holin-endolysin System  Lipid Enzyme System  Toxin-antitoxin System