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Binuclear zirconium complexes with bidentate N-(ortho-dimethylaminobenzyl)anilide ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties for ethylene polymerization and copolymerization with 1-hexene 期刊论文
POLYHEDRON, 2013, 卷号: 52, 期号: 1, 页码: 222-226
作者:  Liu, Kefeng;  Wu, Qiaolin;  Mu, Xindong;  Gao, Wei;  Mu, Ying
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Ethylene Polymerization  Olefin Polymerization  Polyethylene  Zirconium Complexes  
Binuclear zirconium complexes with bidentate N-(ortho-dimethylaminobenzyl)anilide ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties for ethylene polymerization and copolymerization with 1-hexene. 期刊论文
Polyhedron, 2013, 期号: 52, 页码: 222-226
作者:  Liu, K.;  Wu, Q.;  Mu, X.;  Gao, W.;  & Mu, Y.
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Ethylene Polymerization  Olefin Polymerization  Polyethylene  Zirconium Complexes  
Binuclear Zirconium Complexes with Bidentate N-(ortho-dimethylaminobenzyl)anilide Ligands: Synthesis,Characterization, and Catalytic Properties for Ethylene Polymerization and Copolymerization with 1-hexene 期刊论文
Polyhedron, 2012, 期号: 9
作者:  Kefeng Liu;  Qiaolin Wu;  Xindong Mu;  Wei Gao;  Ying Mu
浏览  |  Adobe PDF(370Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:585/97  |  提交时间:2012/11/16