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关键词细胞应激 生物传感器 厌氧荧光蛋白 底物特异性 单细胞拉曼光谱 拉曼组
摘要目前,研究活体单细胞如何应激环境的主要策略之一是基于荧光的细胞标记方法,通常用于研究个别基因在特定环境条件下的表达情况。其中,底物敏感型启动子是这一方法的重要工具之一。但在解纤维梭菌中尚未报道相关的内源性底物敏感型启动子。鉴于底物敏感型启动子的重要作用,本研究根据厌氧微生物——解纤维梭菌在不同底物碳源下的特异基因表达模式,筛选出具有底物特异性的启动子,并采用厌氧荧光蛋白作为报告基因,建立基于荧光标记的活体细胞底物应激研究方法。主要内容包括:(1)方法建立。通过解纤维梭菌转录组数据的分析,挑选出若干具有底物特异性的启动子,建立了以厌氧荧光蛋白为报告蛋白的活体细胞底物应激系统。当细胞受到不同底物刺激时,底物敏感的启动子活性不同,导致荧光强度的差异,从而获得其相应基因在不同碳源底物下表达的特性。(2)底物敏感型启动子分析。以厌氧荧光蛋白为报告基因,筛选到两个具有底物应激特性的内源性功能启动子,一个是高效表达的组成型启动子——p3398,是丙酮丁醇梭菌来源的高效组成型启动子pthl活性的1.5倍,并且首次筛选到一个木聚糖诱导型启动子——p1133。本研究中采用的方法及筛选到的功能性启动子,将为解纤维梭菌的基因表达及遗传改造研究提供物质材料和方法基础。(3)方法应用。此荧光标记的活体细胞应激方法成功应用于解纤维梭菌operon内部可变剪切位点的验证中。 然而,在细胞对于环境的应激中,基于荧光标记的个别基因水平的研究仍然是片面的,并不能反映细胞的整体变化。因此,我们发展了一种基于单细胞拉曼光谱技术的细胞应激研究方法,能够提供细胞的“全局”变化信息。目前,由于拉曼光谱技术在生物细胞方面的检测尚不成熟,我们首先以最简单的模式生物——大肠杆菌为出发菌株,进行细胞在不同环境刺激物作用下的拉曼光谱或拉曼组的比较分析,对细胞不同刺激反应进行区别。在刺激物的选择方面,本研究首先以具有丰富研究基础的乙醇刺激为例,以对数早期的大肠杆菌细胞作为实施刺激前的细胞状态。结果表明,(1)拉曼光谱监测的细胞乙醇应激非常迅速,即使在5min的时间内细胞也可以迅速做出反应,而被拉曼光谱检测到。(2)拉曼光谱监测的细胞乙醇应激具有时间特异性。本研究发现,单细胞拉曼光谱的峰值在时间轴上呈现出一致的变化趋势,如表征核酸类的拉曼峰值在乙醇刺激作用下呈下降趋势,而表征脂类物质的拉曼峰值随刺激时间的延长呈上升的变化。(3)拉曼光谱监测的细胞乙醇应激的检测灵敏度是非常高的,当细胞处于低浓度(如0.5%v/v)乙醇刺激时,处理组细胞的拉曼图谱是显著区别于对照组细胞的。(4)不同时间以及不同浓度乙醇刺激下,各组别之间拉曼图谱的区分正确率都能达到90%以上,说明单细胞拉曼光谱具有监测细胞外乙醇浓度和预测细胞生长以及刺激时间的功能。其次,由于环境刺激物的多样性,本研究设置了多种刺激物,研究不同刺激物作用下细胞应激反应的区分。实验中选择了三类(六种)比较常见的刺激物(每类刺激物中包含两种刺激物代表)——抗生素类(氨苄青霉素和卡那霉素)、醇类(乙醇和正丁醇)和重金属类(Cu2+ and Cr6+),对大肠杆菌细胞进行刺激实验,采集具有时间尺度的细胞应激拉曼光谱数据(约7000个),构成一个庞大的“拉曼组”。通过比较各类刺激物作用下的“拉曼组”,揭示:(1)不同刺激物在细胞反应程度上,呈现时间特异性变化。比如,虽然一些刺激物反应在时间特异性上呈现出较高的相关度,如乙醇和Cr6+(r=0.7),但在反应程度的大小上也是相互区别的。(2)不同刺激物间在代谢物层面的变化,相同点主要体现在变化的拉曼峰值主要涉及到核酸类和脂类的变化;不同点体现在:相比对照组细胞,各类代谢物变化方向和变化程度都不同。(3)根据不同刺激物拉曼光谱的比较,以及具有显著变化的拉曼峰值表征,提出一个全新的概念——细胞应激拉曼光谱识别码。它包括31个基本的拉曼峰值,每个识别码的值的大小都是刺激组细胞与对照组细胞在此拉曼峰值位置处的差值。它是一个过程的概念,包括时间轴上各个细胞拉曼峰值的变化。其作为区分细胞刺激反应的理念,主要是受到16S rDNA序列比对进行微生物物种区分的启示。实验证明,RBCS中拉曼峰值的变化是可靠的。通过获得每种刺激物的细胞代谢反应标签(即RBCS),最终用于区分不同的细胞应激反应。 综上所述,本论文从荧光标记的个别基因水平和非标记的细胞全局水平变化这两个角度,解析细胞应激环境的策略。一方面,建立以厌氧荧光蛋白为标记的,底物敏感型启动子介导的细胞应激研究方法,以个别基因底物应激角度解析解纤维梭菌细菌底物应激机制。另一方面,采用基于单细胞拉曼技术或拉曼组的非标记活体大肠杆菌细胞,研究环境中不同刺激物的细胞全局应激反应,并提出一种用于区分不同细胞应激的拉曼光谱识别码概念。
其他摘要To date, fluorescence-based method is one of the most universal strategies for cellular response study, which is mainly used for particular gene expression study. This method contains two devices, including promoters and reporters. Specially, substrate specific promoter is used as one of the essential parts for this method. However, no such endogenous promoters were reported in Clostridium cellulolyticum. Therefore, based on transcriptomic data analysis, gene expression was found to be substrates specific, which provided valuable candidates for the development of substrate-sensitive promoters, thus several stated promoters were picked. With employing oxygen independent fluorescent protein as reporter, cellular responses to various substrates were monitored. Whole process including: (i) Method framing. Basing on transcriptomic data, several promoters were picked out for the development of cellular response detection method to substrates. When cells were cultivated on different carbon sources, intensity of fluorescence varied, providing characteristic gene expression of specific genes. (ii) Substrate specific promoter analyzing. Two endogenous and substrate-specificity-related promoters were screened out when employing an oxygen independent fluorescent protein (FbFP) as reporter. One was a constitutive promoter p3398, the activity of which was 1.5 fold than that of pthl (widely used constitutive promoter from Clostridium acetobutylicum), while the other was a xylan inducible promoter p1133, which was the first inducible promoter discovered in Clostridium cellulolyticum. (iii) Fluorescence-based method Application. We proved stated method can be used for the identification of processing sites inside an operon, which was the main objects of testing experiment. Meanwhile, the method as well as the specific promoters lay a foundation for gene expression study and genetic engineering of Clostridium cellulolyticum. However, cellular response exploration based on fluorescence labeling is not comprehensive and only provides partial gene expression information related to specific promoters. Thus, for whole living cellular response, we developed an approach basing on Single-cell Raman spectra or Ramanome. Due to the fact that Raman spectroscopy application in biological science was not mature, we firstly used E. coli DH5α, which was relatively the simplest conventional model, as the microorganism for cellular response detection and discrimination. We firstly tried ethanol, a potential environmental pollution, as a stressor because of its rich research background in E. coli and other bacteria. Afterwards, the early exponential-phase E. coli cells were used as the subjects for cellular response experiment. The results showed that (i) Ethanol stress detection demonstrated cellular response was fast enough even 5min after ethanol added, and that could still be easily detected by Raman spectra. (ii) Cellular response detected by Raman spectra was time-specific. Raman peaks underwent consistent changes over a stressed period; with nucleic acids assigned decreasing and lipids assigned increasing. (iii) Cellular response detected by Raman spectra was found to be quite sensitive. When cells were under low doses of ethanol (e.g., 0.5%v/v) that could not be detected via growth curves, Raman spectra of stressed cells and control cells were apparently different. (iv) The classification rate of time difference or dose difference was more than 90%, suggesting Raman spectroscopy could be used as a predicating method for cellular stressed time and stressed ethanol doses. Furthermore, due to the diversity of pollutants in the environment, cells were subjected to various stressors treatment, including three common categories, antibiotics (ampicillin and kanamycin), alcohols (ethanol and n-butanol) and heavy metals (Cu2+ and Cr6+). Time-course Raman spectra measurements were made when cells were under arbitrary stated stressors, which finally made up a large Raman spectra dataset (~7000) or called “Ramanome”. Specificity and similarity of Raman spectra were compared and investigated on stressors, indicating that: (i) Cellular response of cells under various stressors was time-specific. Although high correlation coefficient (r=0.7) of change trend of R-value appeared in Amp and Cr6+, their degrees were different. (ii) Metabolic changes of cellular response under various stressors were partly consistent and partly different. The consistent parts were: changed Raman peaks mainly assigned as nucleic acids and lipids. The different parts were: the direction and changes degree of Raman peaks compared to control cells. (iii) A new conception was proposed—— “Raman-barcode of Cellular-response to Stressors (RBCS)”. RBCS was consisted of thirty-one elementary Raman bands. The value of each Raman bands (barcodes) was corresponding to the difference between stressed cells and control cells. RBCS could be described as a process, which referred to the changes of Raman bands during the whole stressed period (or at each time point measured). Just like 16S rDNA alignment for distinguishing microorganisms, RBCS was developed as a standard for cellular response discrimination. In conclusion, we dissected cellular response to environment in two ways, fluorescence based method for particular genes study and label-free cells for comprehensive cellular response study. On one hand, we have developed a method, basing on oxygen independent fluorescent protein and substrate-specific promoters, for substrates specific cellular response study in C. cellulolyticum. On the other hand, Raman spectroscopy label-free based living E. coli DH5α cells, were used for the discrimination of varies cellular response. Finally, the concept of RBCS was proposed for cellular response discrimination.
学位类型博士 ; 学位论文
GB/T 7714
滕琳. 滕琳-基于单细胞拉曼光谱与拉曼组的细胞应激机制快速检测[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2015.
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